If you have a yeast infection then don’t worry as a number of yeast infection treatments are available in the market which are both oral as well as vaginal (in case of candidasis) The yeast infection treatment includes: Creams: in case the infection is not very severe and in case of the candidasis the creams which are used are include: clotrimazole, nystatin, and miconazole. They are used once a day for a fortnight. Oral treatment: in case the creams fail and the infection worsens then the oral dose of antibiotics is given and these include medicines like fluconazole. In case both the above fail to improve the condition then the fluid is taken and is tested for the type of infection caused. You can also go in for herbal or homemade treatments and remedies. But it is advisable that you seek a doctor as soon as you contract a yeast infection or the case may worsen and something terrible may happen…LINK