A reduction in the level of Omega 3 fatty acids in the body may cause depression, cardiovascular disease, dry skin and fatigue. The omega 3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of obesity and inflammation throughout the body. The fatty acids help you prevent cancer cell growth and lower the cholesterol level in the body. Hence, it is always important to include omega fatty acids in the daily diet. The levels of omega acids to be included in the diet are 1.1-1.6gms every day...LINKOmega fatty acids are considered as an essential nutrient for a bodybuilding diet. Omega fatty acids are of different types namely omega3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids. These fatty acids are found in abundance in fish, olive oil, walnut and corn oil. A diet rich in omega acids may help you build your body. These fatty acids may not only make your body fit but also reduce the risk of eye disease.